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What to Do When Sales Are Slow in Your Antique Booth

Do yous think you might desire to open an antique booth? Here are 14 tips on how to get started.

My love of antiques all started with one woman. My mother-in-honey. She has been a collector her whole life and with 2 gifts from her early on in my spousal relationship, I was hooked.

Antique Gifts from my Mother-in-Love

gilded mirror

One from her…

Statue Named Wendy

And the other handpicked by her as a gift from 007.

face of wendy

How could you not be hooked by this confront? Her name is Wendy and she is both immature and old.

A Small Decorating Business concern

Years later, when Pinterest came about, my sister, Kiki (her childhood name) and I became addicts! Nosotros started a minor decorating business, along with my youngest sister, Kellie, and were on the brink of opening a home staging concern in our hometown, when Kiki's husband was offered a job in another country. We loved shopping in antique stores, thrift stores and flea markets. I miss my sisters. I miss our shopping excursions and the thrill of finding something that nosotros could transform into a gem.


And then, I decided to open my own booth in an antiquarian mall. Information technology was a way to stay connected, in a sense, to my sisters and continue the fun of treasure hunting. I've learned a lot in the 3 years since I started, so I thought I'd share a few tips with those who might be thinking of opening their ain booth.

fourteen Tips on How to Open up an Antique Booth

         1. Go wearisome, commencement pocket-size.

One fault I fabricated was not planning the overall style of my booth alee of fourth dimension. I purchased items that I thought would sell without idea to any type of theme or style. Now 8 months later, I have items that haven't sold and don't really fit into the overall look I am going for. On the bright side, my customers get great prices equally I work toward my new look.

Setting up an antique booth

          2. Investigate mall policies and amenities.

If there are multiple locations for you to cull from in your surface area, be certain to investigate each mall and what all they have to offer. I now have ii locations and dearest them both. One is open up vii days a week in a prime location not likewise far off the interstate. It has lots of booths with lots of choices in antiques and current trends. The other mall is open 6 days a calendar week, and thirty minutes longer per twenty-four hours than the other. It also has lots to offering with creative, friendly booth owners, daily electronic mail with a listing of items sold that mean solar day, and a monthly sales event with extended shopping hours.

          3. Buy smart.

Choose your display cases, shelving, and lighting, to fit into the overall look of your berth. Buy items that offer beauty, style and function. I was so excited to get started, that I didn't give a lot of idea to how I might display hanging items. I bought white pegboard and installed it right abroad.  Since and so, I've fallen in honey with booths using reclaimed wood, shiplap or lattice as their walls. At the very to the lowest degree, I wish I'd painted my pegboard and withal plan to do that shortly. When purchasing for your booth, store estate sales, thrift stores, online resale sites similar CraigsList, VarageSale and auctions. Make bi-annual trips to market place, focusing on items that fit your style and aren't sold in local big box stores. We can't compete with Wal-Mart or Hobby Anteroom.

gathering treasures

My berth, the first month.

Budgets, Projects and Style of the Booth

          4. Set a budget.

There are booth owners who get-go with as little $100, simply honestly, I don't see how. Pegboard or similar materials will cost that much. A more realistic number is between $500-$1000 to become started. That does not include hire, committee or advert.

          five.  Avoid huge project pieces, unless it's something y'all dear to do.

I originally bought several pieces that needed painting or updating in some way, just for the fun of information technology. I now recommend starting with pieces that need little-to-no work, so yous can concentrate your energy and time on setting upwardly your booth. Work on projects to fill in as you sell items.

          6.  Program the style of your booth.

Use your ain distinct personality and gustatory modality. The name of my blog, decorating manner and stage of life have everything to practise with the style of my booth. CoziNest was born out of a demand to refill my empty nest with new loves. So, I wanted my booth to reverberate this. The goal is to feel cozy, portray a sense of nesting and offer pieces that create a comfy dwelling with a mix of antiques and electric current trends. Birds assemble twigs, strings, and feathers from other locations that make their nest uniquely theirs. An osprey nest is unlike from that of a seagull, yet they are both seabirds. To help y'all get started, scan booths yous love and incorporate items that match your look or style, without encroaching on their personal style.

This was my pin-spiration. Click on the photo to visit Country Provenzale e Shabby Chic site. My goal is to create a booth that reflects the way of French Industrial who married Rustic Elegance. 😉

Cost Tags, Inventory and Social Media

          seven.  Pattern your price tags.

Buy a dice-cut, cardstock, ribbon or twine and a hole punch. Stay with a predetermined color scheme for a professional wait. Or, you can order tags from someone like VistaPrint, or make your own on the computer. I exercise a combination of all iii.

          8.  Decide on a price betoken for your merchandise.

Is your trade high cease? Bargain-based? Or somewhere in the middle?  I want to pass my savings on to my customers, and then they'll come back again and once again. There are some items over $300, but nigh are below $100.

          ix.  Create a spreadsheet to keep up with cost and profit of merchandise. This helps keep runway of what sells and what doesn't.

          10.  Curate your social media pages.





          11.  Restyle your booth at least once per month.

a view to a booth

July CoziNest Booth Photo

Table with Pumpkins

          12.  Keep information technology clean.

          xiii.  Items that sell: I've had success with storage items like baskets, canisters and tables with drawers. Greenery, footstools, vintage bottles, galvanized watering cans and farmhouse decor are all quick sellers.

          fourteen.  Carefully choose these items that oasis't sold well: Upholstered furniture and mismatched dishes.

Do yous love antiques? Was information technology due to a gift from a loved 1? We are all on a path with a purpose. I found mine awfully tardily in life, only God'southward timing is always perfect. I hope this has been helpful if your path leads you to open an antiquarian booth.
