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How to Update Internet Explorer in Windows 7 Professional

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One user required IE 10 or 11 in his laptop particularly for some govt. website which is Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit O.S.

I have tried to download and install both IE 10 and 11 ,but it was showing operating system not supported and in requirements while downloading it's "windows 7 sp1 or server 2008 " were only listed.

Whether current version IE 8 in his laptop is the latest IE does it supports ?

Pls provide me with link if any.

Mendy This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 17, 2014 at 06:01 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

Windows 7 does support IE11, make sure the machine is running Service Pack 1

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Mendy This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 17, 2014 at 06:01 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

Windows 7 does support IE11, make sure the machine is running Service Pack 1


This is the info. on System Properties :


whether needs to download and install SP1 ?



Mendy This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 17, 2014 at 06:39 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

I dont really understand your response, can you post a screenshot of the system properties?

Generally everything should be available via Windows Update, updates are given to you in the order they need to be installed so a lot of updates will be hidden until the prerequisites are installed - if there are pending Windows Updates I'd install all of them, and keep checking for more until there are no more left. If you're getting updates from WSUS make sure you choose 'Check online for updates from Microsoft Update' (see the picture below) every-time.

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Aug 17, 2014 at 06:41 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

You don't have Service Pack 1, see my picture below as an example, it'll be listed under the copyright.


Ohh, Windows updates was turned off , now I have turned on, it's downloading and installing the updates.

I will update here once installations finish for any progress.

Mendy This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 17, 2014 at 07:02 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

I would double check the version Windows listed on the product key label on the machine matches the version of Windows you have. 70% of the time I found Windows Updates disabled it was because it wasn't a legit copy. Customers are not happy when I make them buy a valid license or find a new IT guy :)


Yeah I understand, but it's genuine.

It's a laptop and on the label there is nothing like SP 1 or service pack.

After update about 120 updates ,it's just installed IE 9.

But still don't have idea about SPs ,may be I need to download SP1 from microsoft ,once it installed successfully then I need to look into installing IE 10 or 11.

Thank you for your time.

Mendy This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 17, 2014 at 11:54 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

The service packs will be given to you when it's ready, it's generally a bad idea to install it manually if it's not showing but it might still work. 120 updates isn't a lot there should be an easy 1000 updates to install...


depends on the last time it was patched.

If it not patched from the install of the OS, then around 200 might be more like it. A lot of updates supersede each other.

You can install SP's at any time. SP's are a bundle of updates that you would have done manually.

I say install SP1 now.

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Aug 17, 2014 at 17:43 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

Texkonc wrote:

depends on the last time it was patched.

If it not patched from the install of the OS, then around 200 might be more like it. A lot of updates supersede each other.

You can install SP's at any time. SP's are a bundle of updates that you would have done manually.

I say install SP1 now.

Sorry but that's not correct, while it IS more or less the idea of a Service Pack, that's not how it actually works and has been the cause of a lot of problems people have blamed on 'Windows Update quirkiness'


If SP1 isn't listed, you might need to install some other updates before installing SP1. Install any important updates, return to the Windows Update page, and then click Check for updates again. 

See source here and expand 'Installing SP1 using Windows Update (Recommended)'

Also see here cause number 2: "Another update has to be installed before Windows 7 SP1 will be available."


I have never had an issue doing SP's manually.

Mendy This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 17, 2014 at 17:50 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

Mendy wrote:

The service packs will be given to you when it's ready, it's generally a bad idea to install it manually if it's not showing but it might still work. 120 updates isn't a lot there should be an easy 1000 updates to install...

Neither have I, but when dealing with a computer I don't have access to and so won't be able to recover myself if something DOES happen, I prefer to take all precautions :) Only in certain situations will it cause a problem (notice in bold above I said it might still work) but those situations is where your weekend goes bye bye. Best practices are there for a reason, and not because it's the only way to do things.


Make sure the computer has been updated with windows update before installing the latest version.

Snufykat This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 18, 2014 at 14:31 UTC

Check and recheck till all the critical updates are done.


Thank you all for your suggestions.

I will try by Windows Updates again and if it doesn't get the SP1 then I will see for install manually.


Thank you guys , windows update has installed service pack and then Internet Explorer 11 was also upgraded.

Mendy This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 24, 2014 at 19:12 UTC

IntelliComp Technologies is an IT service provider.

Please remember to mark the appropriate posts as helpful and best answer for others who come along with the same question.


Good for you. Logic. Imagine that. "I have never had an issue doing SP's manually." is one of the classics. Like I've never shot myself cleaning my gun without checking if there is a round in the chamber, or I've never been killed when I don't wear my seatbelt. I hate these kind of forums. I also like when someone replies that they don't know the answer and they have the same question but here's a bad guess anyway. Or people like me that just go on and on about nothing. Messed up, isn't it?

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How to Update Internet Explorer in Windows 7 Professional
