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How to Move Your Toolbar on Windows 10

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The Windows taskbar provides quick access to programs and applications running on your computer. It also provides links to the Start menu, notifications area, and the calendar and clock. Some users find it easier to navigate their desktop by positioning the taskbar at the top, left, or right of the screen. Here we will cover how to change the position of the taskbar in Windows 7, 8, and 10.

  1. 1

    Right-click a blank section of the taskbar. A menu with tools to customize the desktop will open.

  2. 2

    Verify the taskbar is unlocked. Towards the bottom of the menu you will see an option to "Lock the taskbar". Make sure this option is unchecked before proceeding to the next step. [1]

  3. 3

    Click " Taskbar settings" at the bottom of the menu. The settings app will open.

  4. 4

    Click on the drop-down arrow on the "Taskbar location on screen" setting.

  5. 5

    Select where you want to move the taskbar. Once you select an option, the taskbar will change its position immediately.

  1. 1

    Right-click a blank section of the taskbar. A menu with tools to customize the desktop will open.

  2. 2

    Verify the taskbar is unlocked. Towards the bottom of the menu you will see an option to "Lock the taskbar". Make sure this option is unchecked before proceeding to the next step. [2]

  3. 3

    Click "Properties" at the bottom of the menu. The "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" window will open.

  4. 4

    Click the "Taskbar location on screen" box. Choose "Left", "Right", or "Top" in the drop down menu to reposition the taskbar.

  5. 5

    Click Apply . Click Ok next to close the window. The taskbar is now in the chosen location on your screen.

  6. 6

    Reset the taskbar to its original position. Right-click the taskbar, go back into "Properties" in the menu, then select "Bottom" in the "Taskbar location on screen" drop down menu. Click Ok to close.

  1. 1

    Left-click a blank section of the taskbar.

  2. 2

    Hold the left mouse button and drag the taskbar to it's new location. You can hold and drag to the top, left, or right of the screen.

  3. 3

    Release the mouse button. The taskbar is now in the chosen location on your screen.

  4. 4

    Reset the taskbar to its original position. Left-click a blank section of the taskbar, then drag to the bottom of the screen and release the mouse.

  1. 1

    Change the color of the taskbar. Click the "Start" button on the taskbar. [3]

  2. 2

    Type "taskbar" in the "Search the web and Windows" box. Select "Apply color to Start, taskbar, and Action Center" in the menu.

  3. 3

    Choose a color. Highlight the color of choice by clicking one of the colored squares.

  4. 4

    Apply to taskbar. Turn on "Show color on Start, taskbar, action center, and title bar" setting. Turn off "Make Start, taskbar, and action center transparent". Close the settings window.

  5. 5

    Add or remove taskbar features. Right-click the taskbar, select "Properties" from the menu.

  6. 6

    Turn taskbar features on or off. On the "Taskbar" tab you can choose to lock the taskbar, auto-hide the taskbar, use small taskbar buttons, or combine task bar buttons.

  7. 7

    Select toolbars to add to the taskbar. On the "Toolbars" tab you can add a web address toolbar, links, battery, or a desktop toolbar to the taskbar. Click "Apply" to save changes, and "Ok" to close.

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  • Question

    How do I move my task bar to the bottom of the screen?

    Community Answer

    Left click the task bar. Then click on "lock the task bar". If you couldn't move it before, it was locked. If you click it again, it will become unlocked. One way to check is that if the box is checked or unchecked. After you've done that, you move the task bar to which ever side of the screen you want.

  • Question

    The search, web, and Windows bar at the bottom of screen is covering the print button on the print screen. What can I do to fix this?

    Community Answer

    The easiest thing to do would be to drag the task bar up or to the side.

  • Question

    The task bar is below the level of the screen. How can I bring it into view?

    Community Answer

    Most of the time you have to tweak your resolution or hover your mouse cursor at the bottom of the screen to get it back.

  • Question

    How to change the taskbar to unlock?


    To change the taskbar to unlocked, just click on the "Lock the taskbar" menu option when you see it. Then, the option will be unchecked.

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  • You can alternately left-click and drag the taskbar to the desired location in Windows 8 and 10.

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!

  • Moving the taskbar may change the position of your desktop icons and shortcuts.You may need to rearrange them manually if they appear out of place.

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Article SummaryX

1. Right-click a blank part of the taskbar.
2. Make sure "Lock the taskbar" is disabled.
3. Click Taskbar settings.
4. Select a different location from the "Taskbar location on screen" menu.

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How to Move Your Toolbar on Windows 10
