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War In Ukraine Day 19: Russian Forces Pave The Way For Blow In Response To Massacre In Donetsk

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The main military developments in Ukraine are taking place in eastern regions and around the capital Kiev. While on the Kiev outskirts Russian forces reinforce their positions with any significant advances, in the Donbass region, the L/DPR and Russian forces are slowly only steadily advancing. Nonetheless, the Ukrainian terrorist warfare may force them to change their tactics.

War In Ukraine Day 19: Russian Forces Pave The Way For Blow In Response To Massacre In Donetsk

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Russian and DPR forces go along the mop up operations in the city of Mariupol.

On March fourteen, the Russian Ministry of Defence force reported that special forces eliminated the master positions of Ukrainian nationalists in residential areas effectually the urban center. This fabricated it possible to secure humanitarian corridors for civilians and to begin mass evacuation of the population that had been held hostage by Ukrainian neo-Nazis for a long time.

4 Russian columns consisting of 200 vehicles moved out of the Rostov region to evacuate residents of Mariupol.

The DPR assault units are heading to the metropolis center with the gradual accelerate. The main successes were achieved in the western part of the urban center.

The reinforcement of Russian forces in Mariupol was reported. 5,000 soldiers of the National Guard of the Russian Federation reportedly came to the city.

In general, the situation on the Donbass front lines remains the aforementioned. The joint Russian and L/DPR forces even so take the lead simply they are nonetheless far from solving the main strategic chore of encircling and defeating the primary UAF grouping in the region. Both sides are suffering sensitive losses.

Some advances were reported in the due south, where the joint forces reached the villages of Vodyanoe, Sladkoe, Stepnoe, Taramchuk and Slavnoe.

War In Ukraine Day 19: Russian Forces Pave The Way For Blow In Response To Massacre In Donetsk

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The Russian troops are heading towards the town of Kurakhovo, where the fierce clashes may intermission out soon, as the town is a large fortified node in the nearly rear of the AFU grouping operating near Donetsk.

After the senseless civilian massacre in Donetsk on March 14, the DPR artillery with back up of the Russian Aerospace forces (VKS) severely pounded the UAF positions in the village of Avdeevka. This is a clear signal of the upcoming massive offensive. Then far, some of the DPR assault groups attempted to advance through the  UAF positions near Donetsk, merely almost to no avail. The UAF positions in that location are well fortified and any in front end assault results in significant losses by the 2 sides. That's why the joint forces are trying to surroundings the UAF grouping as shortly as possible. However, the regular shelling on civilian in Donetsk, including the recent bloody attack with Tochka-U tactical missile equipped with cluster munition may force the DPR to push Ukrainian forces out of the city outskirts.

Fierce fighting continues in the expanse of Popasnaya and Severodonetsk. Decisive success has non been achieved yet. The cities of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk are surrounded from the three directions, only the LPR troops seem to be not in a hurry to completely blockade the cities. Rather they have non plenty forces to suppress the UAF on the outskirts, or they are trying to avoid another disaster like it is happening in Mariupol.

Some tactical successes of Russian forces were reported in the urban center of Izyum, where fighting continues for the control over the southern outskirts and the crossing of the Seversky Donets river. Russian assault units reportedly advanced on the western and southwestern outskirts of Izyum, and reached the area north of Barvenkovo.

War In Ukraine Day 19: Russian Forces Pave The Way For Blow In Response To Massacre In Donetsk

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No significant changes were reported on the Kharkov – Chernigov front lines. On March 14, the Russian VKS were reportedly less active over Kharkiv, but fierce artillery shelling continues on the outskirts. The Armed services of the Russia exercise not carry out any assault operation hither. Clashes go along virtually the town of Chuguev, which is still under the UAF command.

The Military machine of the Russian Federation accept achieved local tactical successes on the eastern and western outskirts of the uppercase. Withal, they are far from taking control over the southern roads to Kiev. The violent resistance of Ukrainian forces and their strange allies deployed around the capital stalls any breakthroughs of the Russian military machine.

In the southern regions, the situation remains stable.

Clashes were reported to the east of Orekhov and in the Gulyai-Pole areas. However, with no advances by any side.

Ukrainian media reported fighting on the border of the Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regions southward of Krivoy Rog.

Another Ukrainian Tochka-U missile was intercepted over the Kherson region.

War In Ukraine Day 19: Russian Forces Pave The Way For Blow In Response To Massacre In Donetsk

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On March fourteen, the Russian military disembarked at the base of operations of the Coast Baby-sit of Ukraine near Berdyansk. The naval base of the Ukrainian Navy in Berdyansk came under the full control of the Russian Armed forces.

Equally function of the evolution program of the Ukrainian fleet, the main naval base on the Bounding main of Azov should be built in that location on the donations and under the control of the British military machine.

In the afternoon of March 14 and in the morning of March 15, the number of combat sorties of Russian aviation increased. Big groups of the Military machine of Ukraine in the East of Ukraine continue the active defence of their positions. The number of Russian armed forces in Ukraine is objectively insufficient for fast and decisive flank coverage and encirclement of dones of thousands of UAF troops on fortified positions. The Ministry of Defense of the Russia was forced to change its initial tactics of "cavalry charge" to the systematic destruction of enemy forces and means using its advantage in aviation and arms.


  • fourteen March Missile Attack On Civilians In Donetsk: Many Griefs And One Happy Story (Video 18+)
  • LPR, Russian Forces Pushing AFU Out Of Avdiivka, While Ukraine Reportedly Prepares Provocation At Coke Plant (Video)

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