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Wow When Do Npc Come Back to Life

  1. 09-07-201002:19 PM #1

    Lady_Aelwen is offline

    Telaran Lady_Aelwen's Avatar

    Default What happens to quests if your quest giver is dead?

    Apologies if there is a post on this, but I was reading the Pax Q and A thread, and saw:

    Basically, you can lose questgivers, most of your merchants, you can lose any sort of NPC, areas can change, you could lose the ability to turn in quests, it's pretty severe. We're encouraging players that it's not like you can't do anything, we're giving you another form of gameplay.

    So does the son of the merchant take over? or do the gods/forbidden technology bring them back?
    I know the point is to NOT let it happen, but what if it did happen??

    It's really awesome that it has such an affect, but does the quest then become void? or do you have to wait for the merchants son to come back. Or hand the quest in to the wife that wants revenge for her husband's death??

  2. 09-07-201002:22 PM #2

    Ciovala is offline

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    I'd guess you're probably out of luck until you clear the invasion or whatever and the questgiver respawns? At least that was my impression from Gamescom. Gives you some incentive to find some friends and clean things up.

  3. 09-07-201002:27 PM #3

    Shagroth is offline

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    You wait for him to respawn and turn it in - it will most likely become greyed out in your log until the giver respawns then the game SHOULD prompt you on the quest giver.

  4. 09-07-201002:30 PM #4

    Linolea is offline

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    I'd say this is among the numerous issues that the Trion devs have to consider in terms of how dynamic they want the world to be. Perhaps quest givers will generally run away somewhat and be available nearby, or respawn after rift invasions have been cleared. Either are workable solutions, though I prefer the latter because it encourages players to deal with rifts and invasions.

    My impression to date is that they really want players to be involved with the rift dynamic, so if it is successfully implemented I imagine the quest will be of secondary importance and you'll want to join in the rift fight. This may be an issue later on in the game if lower zones are underpopulated and rifts take over /shrug. No doubt the mechanism will have to be tuned as time goes by.

  5. 09-07-201002:36 PM #5

    Lady_Aelwen is offline

    Telaran Lady_Aelwen's Avatar


    ooh ok, thanks for replying guys. I guess the greyed out option and them respawning or coming back from a safe hideout would make more sense then having generation after generation of merchants pop out of no where to take over the family business :P

  6. 09-07-201002:44 PM #6

    Slyde is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shagroth View Post

    You wait for him to respawn and turn it in - it will most likely become greyed out in your log until the giver respawns then the game SHOULD prompt you on the quest giver.

    That's how it works in WoW.

    They usually re-spawn after a few minutes, so it's no big deal.

    I don't recall getting a notice that the NPC was back though.

  7. 09-07-201002:52 PM #7

    Shepherd is offline

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    Well I hope that it just means that it will be another incentive to get involved in Rifts, Footholds, and Invasions. Those things will have to be dealt with before NPCs can respawn.

  8. 09-07-201003:00 PM #8

    Shagroth is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slyde View Post

    That's how it works in WoW.

    They usually re-spawn after a few minutes, so it's no big deal.

    I don't recall getting a notice that the NPC was back though.

    Yeah it'd just be nice if we did get notice incase we were 10000 miles away or something to that effect.

    But yeah its fairly standard they'll die and respawn and you know etc etc. If Trion is doing deep lore they'll probably hide in a basement or something and come back and say to all adventurers who meet up with them again, "Hey that was a close one! did you finish the quest?" or something to that degree.

    WHAT FUN!!

  9. 09-07-201003:06 PM #9

    Daft is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady_Aelwen View Post

    Apologies if there is a post on this, but I was reading the Pax Q and A thread, and saw:

    So does the son of the merchant take over? or do the gods/forbidden technology bring them back?
    I know the point is to NOT let it happen, but what if it did happen??

    It's really awesome that it has such an affect, but does the quest then become void? or do you have to wait for the merchants son to come back. Or hand the quest in to the wife that wants revenge for her husband's death??

    My best guess would be on the Guardians side, they pray for the gods and the people who died... lets say merchants and quest givers are resurrected and on the Deviant side they use their machines to bring the dead back to life. So it would be cool to see Guardian priest walk around and pray over a body and you see the person come back to life. Or a deviant engineer hold a big gadget and shocks people back to life.

  10. 09-07-201003:17 PM #10

    Drakus is offline

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    I guess is that will be true npc just Respawn ? and quest will unitly stay on this phaze when u end it ?

  11. 09-07-201003:32 PM #11

    Kilrathi is offline

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    you need to wait for it respawn

    But But it worked in Dev!

  12. 09-07-201003:38 PM #12

    Painik is offline

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Wow When Do Npc Come Back to Life
